Friday, October 29, 2021

Trump a Conservative? Nah.

Although I generally disagree with the philosophy of conservativism, I have no issue with conservatives and have great respect for them. It's a respectable philosophy, after all. 

However, Trump is not a conservative in any way, is a horrible human being, would sell his own family down the river without losing a moment of sleep (and tried to do just that before his own mother stopped him), would not condemn the KKK and white supremacy, has 20+ women accusing him of sexual assault, is an incompetent businessperson as evidenced by multiple bankruptcies, has cheated hundreds of contractors out of millions of dollars over the years, is a fake patriot and fake Christian, and is a chronic, proven liar. I have no respect for him nor anyone who supports his bullshit. 

Really, how could any person of good character support this? You are certainly free to disagree, and if you do, by all means unfriend or block me now. It will save us both grief.


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