Friday, October 29, 2021

On Organized Religion

On the subject of religion, the right to practice whatever religion you choose is a basic tenant of life in the United States. I would gladly defend this right to the death were it threatened from within or without. That said, there are stipulations to this in my mind, as follows:

  1. If you preach hatred of any individual or group because of your religion, fuck you.
  2. If you try to impose your beliefs on others no matter what those beliefs might be, fuck you.
  3. If your religious leaders involve themselves in politics for any reason, fuck them.
  4. If your religious leaders live in million-dollar homes and fly private jets thanks to money brought to them from their "flock," fuck them again.
  5. If your religious leaders have used monies brought to them by the faithful in order to cover up crimes against children committed by members of the clergy (talking to YOU Catholic Church), fuck them.

That all said, I still believe that every religion on the planet is fake, false, and just plain DUMB. And given that belief, I also wholeheartedly believe that any tax exemptions should immediately be lifted for every religion, bar none. 

Finally, I believe that for most part, religions are dangerous and potentially harmful to the human race. They all demand a halt to critical thought and they all demand you place your fake life in the fake hereafter ahead of the only life you will ever really have, i.e., this one. 

Most religious people NEVER use the same cognitive powers of reasoning that they use to decide what brand of milk to buy when evaluating the religion to which they supposedly dedicate their lives. If they did, there would BE no religion simply because not a one of them can stand up to such scrutiny.


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