Friday, October 29, 2021

"I was out, but they pulled me back in!" —Michael Corleone

It might not seem like it at times, but I try to look at these things like a detective, not a partisan. And I keep coming back one question: why would Dr. Ford reveal this (and remember, she did so BEFORE he was nominated to the position)? She put her family and herself in harm's way, and I can find no reasonable motive for her to do this other than her believing it was the right thing to do. 

The Democrats might have a motive, but even that is thin because we all KNOW they are going to place a Conservative in that seat whether it's this guy or someone else. And of course, Goursuch recently went through this exact same process with no such allegations. That in itself tends to rule out a political motive, does it not? Meanwhile, Merrick Garland, a good candidate for the court with no such baggage, was flat-out refused a hearing for strictly political reasons, which is an outrage. 

Maybe she is after a book deal or publicity, but that also doesn't feel right because of her obvious reluctance to be in the spotlight. 

Maybe they paid her? But no one has said anything of the sort and it doesn't appear she is in any financial distress. 

Did she invent the whole thing in some paranoid delusion? I suppose it's possible, but she did not seem at all delusional. 

All of Kavanaugh's behaviors, on the other hand, are easily explainable. Anger at the accusations, be they true or false, would be natural. As would tears. Women who have suffered abuses have said that their abusers have cried after the act, saying "why did you make me hurt you?" So that is also consistent. And he clearly lied right to all your faces regarding "boofing" and "the devil's triangle," two terms you can easily Google. 

This alone (the blatant lies) disqualifies him for the highest court in the land, in my opinion. As for the hearing itself, it was ridiculous. Everything should have been handled by an authority like the FBI in the background like a, you know, REAL investigation. The Republicans and the nominee (several times for you all to see right there on TV) refused to do this, not the Democrats, which is how this became a TV side show. So blaming the Dems for this is disingenuous and inaccurate. Perhaps we are all more comfortable if things like this remain unseen and unheard? 

Finally, it should be noted that the number of women who are assaulted and do not report it is supposedly enormous, while the number of women who report false accusation to the authorities is miniscule. That alone makes her lying a long shot. I ask you to remove your emotions from this equation like Columbo and consider the facts. If you can find me a motive for her actions, I am listening. If you are  disrespectful or blatantly ignorant in your response, fuck off. 

Meanwhile, here is another opinion.


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