Friday, October 29, 2021

Lies, Lies, Lies

I'm still trying to understand how some people, yeah a LOT of some people, think it's okay for this president to lie not just once, but literally and amazingly THOUSANDS of times, all absolutely documented and proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. 

Obama said ONE thing they thought was a lie (you can keep your health insurance, which I believe was more of a misstatement, but still I get it) and he was crucified by those same people relentlessly. This guy? Lies every damned day, usually multiple times, and these people either won't believe it or simply accept it either because (I think) they hate the same people he does, they erroneously think the ENTIRE media, literally thousands of them, are ALL conspiring against Trump (ridiculous and dumb), or perhaps they simply love their money and don't give a flying fuck about anything or anyone else (hint: he is not the reason your stocks are up).

Or maybe his "us against them" bullshit makes them feel like they are part of something (which is basically a white supremist cult, unfortunately). I just don't get it. The lack of comprehension is astounding. Just astounding. 

Really and truly, if you support this ass, unfriend or block me now. Because our values are simply out of sync.


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