Friday, October 29, 2021

On Immigration

 A few words on immigration. My ancestors came to this country in the early part of the last century during a mass migration of Italians and Sicilians. They were simple peasants seeking out better opportunities in the new world. They had no skills, just a desire to improve their lives and to work hard every day to support themselves and their families. The VAST majority of Italians and Sicilians were much the same.

However, there also some bad people who came with them. They came here already jaded criminals with nefarious plans, and they started their own type of business, organized crime. They were vile, evil people who snuck through the cracks and wreaked havoc.

My ancestors were scorned here. They were called WOPs and DAGOs and worse. They were not wanted. They were cursed. But they powered through the scorn for decades until they became what we are today: accepted as Americans.

I believe today's immigrants are no different than my ancestors were lo those 100 years ago. They seek a better life for themselves and their families. They will work hard to do it. And they hope to eventually be accepted as Americans -- whether they came here illegally or not.

If you seek to condemn all these people today, think about my Italian ancestors cowering in the bowels of those dirty ships heading to New York City with no money, no prospects and no skills, with only a dream of a better life in America. Think of them before you condemn today's seekers. 


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