Friday, February 08, 2019

Pray for Me. Or Don't. It Really Doesn't Matter a Lick

So let's talk about this prayer thing for a moment, shall we? How is this supposed to work, anyway?

God. The Alpha. The Omega. The Supreme Being. He Who Knows Everything. He knows when you are sleeping. He knows when you're awake. He knows if you've been bad or good...oops, never mind: that's Santa Claus. Different fake guy.

But really, isn't god supposed to know things before they happen? If you are going to kill someone, The big guy knew it was coming, right? It's in the book. He knows the time and date of your death and mine, and he knows it before we are born, yes?

So then what exactly is this prayer stuff? If all that can be known is known to him, are you trying to talk him out of it by praying? And if it is already "written," how can it be changed?

And what are the rules? If three million people are praying for the Red Sox to win the World Series and two million five hundred thousand are praying for the Dodgers, is that why the Sox won? Or did god just like Boston better than LA? WTF, god?

I'm calling full bullshit on prayer. You cannot prove a SINGLE instance where a single prayer has worked. And there are far too many innocents getting sick and dying horribly for me to put any stock into this ridiculous bullshit.

How many prayers do you think were said in Dachau and Auschwitz during WWII? What is your God's excuse for his deafness then? Was he on vacation? For a DECADE??

Another classic example of the futility of this is armed cops at churches. Pardon me if I laugh out loud. An all-powerful supreme being who created THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE is powerless against a lunatic 20-year-old with a gun attacking a ROOMFUL of people, ya know, PRAYING. But a simple human police officer is brought in to get the job done instead. Sure, that makes sense.

Boy, god must really be embarrassed. It's kinda like a 4-year-old having to rescue Superman.

People love to think that atheists "hate god." Well let me admit right here that there was one moment — just one — when I lashed out at the alleged almighty for just one instant.

It was in the hospital when my 24-year-old daughter was about to die.

For just one second, in my anguish, anger, and stupidity, I screamed to the heavens "how can you do this to her???" I was instantly greeted by the same vast indifference (thanks, Warren Zevon) that one always gets when you bellow into nothingness.

God was not punishing me nor Nicole nor her mom because HE DOES NOT EXIST. The clarity rolled over me like Franco Harris on a line buck. Nicole simply got sick and died because that's what happens to some human beings, whether they deserve it or not. Nothing is promised. Nothing is guaranteed. There is no one to be angry at except perhaps dame fate. But she ain't real, either.

So if you wanna pray for me, you go right ahead if it makes YOU feel better. That's fine. But if you think for one second that any of that bullshit is going to impact me or anyone else in any way, you are sadly mistaken.

Oh and by the way: consider praying BEFORE the next hurricane or mass murder. Let me know how that works out for you.


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