Wednesday, September 12, 2018

A word on journalists and journalism

I have watched with shock and awe as the shit-bag in the oval office has ratcheted up his smear campaign against the fourth estate. Due to his constant blathering and unfounded accusations — helped by total ass-wipes like Fox "News" — he has managed to turn most of the poorly educated populous against all journalists. It is incredible, and it is sickening.

A long time ago, I went to Glassboro State College as a Journalism major. It was 1976 when I started, and Woodward and Bernstein were my heroes, along with Gonzo Hunter S. Thompson. I wanted to be like them and make a difference in the world by holding our leaders to the facts and demanding truth and justice.

 It never worked out for me as a journalist for several reasons, including a) I needed to make more money and b) I just really was not that great of a writer (technically, yes, but creatively, not so much). But while studying there I met many folks who had worked as reporters and served the country well in those roles, people like Jack Gillespie and Herschel Engebretson among others. These guys were stone, cold professionals. They cared about good writing and good style, but most of all, they cared about getting it RIGHT. They were men with ethics and talent. They were good writers and good people. Before making up a story or s source, they would have thrown themselves off the Ben Franklin Bridge.

 And I know there are many people out there working in the press today with those same skills and ethics. They work at places like The Washington Post. The New York Times. The Philadelphia Inquirer. The San Francisco Chronicle. Etc.

 This is why is galls me and insults my intelligence when I hear the swine Trump call these fine people “the enemy of the people.” Crock. Of. Bullshit. Most if not all of these folks are serious professionals with a burning desire to get the story right. They work hard at it for not a ton of money, and now they have to put up with abuse from a bunch of assholes because of this shit. It just ain’t right.

So if you’ve never met a reporter, never studying or worked in the field, how about you just shut the fuck up? You have NO CLUE who these people are nor what they stand for. Stop listening to ignorance from on high and sit down and talk to someone working in the field before spewing your fucking hatred out to those fine folks.

And one other damned thing: LEARN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE REAL MEDIA AND BULLSHIT. Brietbart: fake with an agenda. Fox: fake with an agenda. MSNBC: real, but perhaps with an agenda. The big papers? They are ALL the real deal and you can trust them to do the best job they can given the resources they have at hand.

 Finally, use to debunk anything you doubt. The truth is usually out there if you look a little.


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