Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bring Back The Doubleheader...Before We All Freeze to Death

I have a suggestion for MLB: bring back the damned twin-bill. Either that or we continue to run the risk of Frosty the Snowman making a personal appearance at the World Series. Adding 10-12 scheduled doubleheaders to each club's regular season would save us ten cold days in October/November...not to mention potential frostbite. Plus, it will give us baseball addicts more time to prepare for Thanksgiving...which now feels like it happens the day after the Series.

And just think, Bud: the Minnesota Twins are building an OPEN-AIR STADIUM in Minneapolis. Gee, can't wait until the Twinks get back to a series. Pack your thermal spikes, boys. I think the cold must be affecting their brains up there.

Back in the day, doubleheaders were a regular part of the baseball landscape. I remember going to the Vet on doubleheader day, watching Game One from the hinterlands of the upper deck...and then sneaking down into the high-rent district for Game Two, when many of the fair-weather fans had left and gone home.

Uh oh. Therein lays the problem: the greedy owners sure ain't gonna sit still for THAT type of thing -- and I don't mean the sneakin' part. I mean they part where you get to see two baseball games for the price of one. THAT part.

But wait: how about the "split" doubleheader? That option would seem to get rid of that big worry. And it also gives the jocks a little time for R&R between games so they can touch base with their stock brokers and investment counselors.

So here's what we do, Bud: each team is given TWO scheduled doubleheaders each month of the season, which may be played as split doubleheaders on weekends if they so desire. That means a total of 12 twin bills. Then, instead of ending the season around October 1st, the season would end around September 20, with the playoff kicking off around September 24.

First round would finish by about 9/29, with LCS play starting around 10/2. That round should be done by October 12, and the World Series would begin around 10/15. And you'd be done playing baseball by 10/23, instead of 11/1 or thereabouts.

See how easy it can be, Bud? Just drop me a note if you want me to lay down the law to Don Fehr. Happy to help. Anytime.


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