Monday, December 04, 2023

Nutandyahoo and Other Autocrats

Please do not read my position on Israel as my unlimited and unfettered support for Netanyahu. He is an ignorant, vile, criminal, right-wing autocrat. And like all right-wing autocrats, his FIRST concern is ALWAYS himself. He had clear warning and viable intelligence that something like this was possible. He chose to ignore it for two reasons: 1) Ignorance. 2) Arrogance. 

Like all right-wing autocrats (a certain orange one comes immediately to mind), he believes he is smarter than anyone else, and hence, puts into place a bunch of yes-men and Neanderthals who are like-minded rather than looking for the BEST minds to put into important positions. And guess what the result of that is?

This reminds me of another right-wing dimwit from another era who was given viable intelligence that a possible attack was looming, but who also chose to ignore it for those same two reasons. Does Clinton deserve some blame for 9/11? 


But Bush was given all that intelligence PLUS the power to do something about it, and he had nine solid months to do it. He chose to do nothing, and got a hell of a wake-up call while reading children's books in Florida on that morning. The vacant look on his face at the moment spoke volumes. 

Then to make matters way worse, he chose to attack a sovereign nation that he clearly knew had nothing to do with 9/11. He did this (again, as all autocratic, right-wing morons do) because it benefitted HIS wants and needs first. He and the evil one, Dick Cheney, made tremendous profits thanks to that war, and Bush got to live his father's dream of destroying Saddam. 

Did Saddam, another asshole, right-wing autocrat, deserve to get his ass kicked? Hell yes! But our reasons for doing the kicking had nothing whatsoever to do with whatever evils he perpetrated. No. Our reasons were based on one, tiny three-letter word: 


As in oil and the military-industrial complex Eisenhower warned about in his retirement speech. Bush and Cheney are war criminals just as Kissinger was before them. The Middle East has still not recovered from the havoc they wrought upon it.

And then, partially as a result of said attack, the economy cascaded downward into the inevitable crash in 2008. Again, Clinton has to take some responsibility for this, but Bush had eight years to foresee and possibly prevent this disaster. Instead, he again did what all autocrats do: he ignored it because to call it out would have been to cause himself problems at the polls. Obama was handed a major shit-sandwich on inauguration day, and it took him a full eight years to dig the country out of it, which he did.

And that a certain orange stain showed up.

Thanks to COVID, which he made WAY worse by his poor leadership and lies, the economy again was brought to a crashing halt as the supply chains dried up. The Orange One had exactly NO clue how to handle any of this, and things festered along until his rotten ass was mercifully removed from office in 2020. 

Since then, the POTUS has focused most of his energies on rebuilding the manufacturing base here and boosting up the middle class, which has been crushed under 40 years of laughable "Reaganomics," which never worked, never WILL work, and which always and solely benefitted the ultra rich, who spent those 40 years consolidating there wealth. This left us with the largest disparity between rich and poor in the history of the United States, and a huge growth of monopolistic enterprises that have helped destroy competition and have continued to fuel inflation, as greedy conglomerates continue to rake in massive profits while keep prices unnaturally high.

Enough is enough.

If Trump is once again elected POTUS by a bunch of clueless, uninformed, brainwashed numbskulls, he WILL end free elections. He WILL put together a team of sycophants who will SOLEY do his bidding with no regard for right, wrong, or the good of the people. He WILL use the legal system to exact revenge on the people who did not support him.

And we WILL be left with a situation that completely resembles the remnants of the Weimer Republic in Gernany in the late 1930s. And guess what?

It WILL end the same way for us. You can bank on it.


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