Saturday, June 11, 2005

Another Saturday Night and I Ain't Got No Scruples

Ok, now I've pretty much had it with this car business. Too often I am being asked to cross lines, subtle though they might be, that I do not wish to cross. And combine this with the fact that there is no money to be made here and you have a problem of epic proportions. And even if I WAS making money, crossing the lines would eventually get to me for sure.

This is not the business for me. They encourage dysfunctionality and questionable behavior, and foster the belief that anything (basically) is okay if you sell a car. The customer is given no respect, and you are told to NOT listen to what the customer says. These are antiquaited beliefs, even in the sales business, and this will never change as long as "the old guard" continues to work the business, and to train "the new guard" in the old ways. It is a joke.

So it looks like I'll be moving on as soon as the right opportunity presents itself. Let's hope it's soon.


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