This Will Never Be Forgotten Nor Forgiven
No, You Are Not Forgiven
No, "family and friends," you have not been forgiven for what you have done. In fact, you will NEVER be forgiven, and we can't ever be friends nor family again.
You see, you still have no idea what you have done here today. None. You are either too stupid or too filled with hatred to see it.
You have given the United States of America away to the wealthy class that has been trying to take it back from the middle class literally since the days of FDR. You have disgraced the memory of your middle class parents and immigrant grandparents. That's what you have done. As if that in itself is not enough, consider your moral decay.
You watched another election, but THIS time it was "fair" for you because your candidate won. For FOUR SOLID YEARS we had to listen to you whine that the 2020 election was "stollen," and now all of a sudden those very same election procedures were absolutely secure? You are not very smart.
This will never be forgiven nor forgotten.
You voted for a man legitimately convicted of 34 felonies for having sex with a porn star and covering it up so that you, the voters, would not find out about it. That's called "election interference." Little did the orange moron know that IT WOULDN'T HAVE MATTERED TO YOU ANYWAY. You heard this and said, "he was railroaded and he is my guy." This with literally ZERO evidence to back up the claim. You did this because you were paying a dollar more per pound for butter.
This will never be forgiven nor forgotten.
You voted for a man righteously convicted of sexual assault, the same man who said on tape that he grabs women "by the pussy." The same man who's best friend, Jeffrey Epstein, spent his entire life grooming young girls under 18 to have sex with him and his rich friends. The same man, Epstein, who called TRUMP (oh, the irony) "a man with no moral guardrails." The same man, Epstein, who "killed himself" in his jail cell while UNDER SUICIDE WATCH. Riiiight.
You voted for a man who was credibly accused of gang-raping a 13-year-old girl along with Epstein, a case the details of which are absolutely disgusting, a case that was dropped by this young girl because her life was threatened. A man who has over 30 other charges of sexual assault made against him. A man who's former wife testified raped her violently and tore her hair out by the roots, the same woman who later died "when she accidentally fell down the steps" (right) in her own home, a women who was buried in the rough on your golf course because you learned that a grave site is exempt from taxes. And you didn't even cut the grass on her grave. You voted for him. You did this because coffee was more expensive.
This will never be forgiven nor forgotten.
You voted for a man who asked for the files on all our undercover people overseas, took them home after he was president, kept them, and then watched as "an unusual number" of these people were killed in the line of duty. When he was indicted for stealing said classified documents, you said, "no, they are out to get him he is my guy." This with literally ZERO evidence to back it up. You did this because ground meat cost you .50 per pound more.
This will never be forgiven nor forgotten.
You voted for a man who mocked the disabled, simulated oral sex with a microphone, called the press "the enemy of the people," stood by and watched a comedian call Puerto Rico "an island of garbage," called his opponent a fascist, communist and socialist. He did those things because he knew YOU would be dumb enough to accept those things as "okay" and "true." Which you did happily. You did this because potato chips were 75 cents per bag more.
This will never be forgiven nor forgotten.
You voted for a man and a party who have continually said they want to eliminate social security and take down Obamacare, cutting your retirement income and rendering literally millions of people uninsurable. This same man has NEVER produced a single actual idea nor policy on healthcare, ever. Not one. All this is stated in his Project 2025, which he told you is "not part of his policy." Yet he has produced no other policy, and today, just two days after the election, one of his people has already laughed at you and said "Project 2025 was real all along." You have screwed yourselves and you have screwed us all. This because milk costs you .50 more per half gallon.
This will never be forgiven nor forgotten.
You voted for a man who's ham-handed attempts to reverse the results of the 2020 election in Georgia led to a RICO indictment of him and his cronies, many of whom will invited back in his new cabinet come January. By very definition, these are people who are too corrupt to be trusted with the reigns of power, yet you in your sheer ignorance have handed it right to them and expected them to suddenly behave like civilized, law-abiding people. You did this because salami was $1 per pound more.
This will never be forgiven nor forgotten.
You have voted for a man who has lied literally hundreds of thousands of times over the past few years, lies that can virtually ALL be easily disproven by facts (those things you don't recognize). Again and again and again he has lied to you. But instead of understanding that these things were provable lies, you have railed against the people reporting on his words, the people who know him best who have warned you about him, and the people who have had the guts to speak out against his lies. "They are all lying, but he speaks the truth," you have said.
This will never be forgiven nor forgotten.
You voted for this man because you have ignored all relevant economic data that shows the U.S. economy as the strongest in the world at this very moment, that inflation is waning, that the stock market is cruising, that job growth is way up and unemployment is way down, that corporate profits are gigantic. No, you said, these things are not true because Donald Trump says otherwise. You did these things because cheese is .75 more per pound.
This will never be forgiven nor forgotten.
You voted for this man even though he constantly spews hatred for people who do not look like him, for transgender people who will now live in fear, for immigrants LIKE YOUR PARENTS who are only here looking for a chance to live their lives in peace and prosperity, but who will now be fearful, expecting Big Brother to be hiding around every corner ready to get them. If all these people are rounded up and shipped out of here as Trump would like, will YOUR children be taking the thankless manual labor jobs these people do quietly every day? No, they will not. You did this because rice cost .99 per bag more.
This will never be forgiven nor forgotten.
You complained ENDLESSLLY about "the immigration problem" even though Trump, with two years in office and control of the Senate, never bothered to pass a single piece of legislation on the issue. And when the Republicans and Democrats in the Senate finally did get together and draft a Republican-written, bi-partisan piece of legislation that would absolutely help the situation, your orange god told them to scuttle it because it would hurt his chances of re-election. Yet you still voted for this horrible, corrupt human being.
This will never be forgiven nor forgotten.
You voted for this guy even though for literally years you have listened to him say bigoted, hateful, ugly things as he ginned up fear in this country. He told you the country is a crime-riddled sh!thole even though crime is down everywhere. You bought into this fear and hate because you are ignorant and can not separate fact from fiction and reality from fantasy. You said "he talks in a way that I understand" in defense of such hateful rhetoric, yet he speak on a third-grade level. If you really CAN understand what he is saying, why are you not appalled by it? You did this because a can of beans costs .10 more.
This will never be forgiven nor forgotten.
You see, you people still think this election was simply about Republican vs Democrat or Liberal vs Conservative. No, it was not. It was about Right vs Wrong and Good vs Evil. Now that you have stupidly put your support behind Wrong and Evil, how can you think we would EVER be able to look at you the same way again? You have become like the sheeple of the Weimer Republic in Germany, who looked to their own selfish needs while their government was overrun by horrible, hateful, ignorant people. This is the door YOU have opened here in my beloved country.
This will never be forgiven nor forgotten.
You are no longer my friends nor my family. If I never see or hear from any of you again, that's fine by me. I'll be too busy here fighting to get back the Democracy YOU have taken away from me and my real family.
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