Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Calling A Violation

My dear cousins and me had a text chain going. It was all about our family and about a Cousins Dinner that is held in Jersey several times per year. This message is for them. It is NOT political.

We all grew up the children of five wonderful women who raised us all pretty much collectively. I can only speak for my mom when I say that I never heard politics discussed in the household. The only things I can remember are discussions of JFK and RFK when they were assassinated. My mother loved them both, and I believe all of our parents were lifelong Democrats. But that's not the point.

When one of my cousins posted a political cartoon on that text chain, I was very, very upset, and I openly apologize here to them all for my reaction, which was heated. But I need to explain WHY it was heated, and what it meant.

We certainly have different views of the current political landscape, and you are all well aware of mine. But I never, ever shared those views in the text chain, because to me, that is scared. It's like a digital version of our family homes when were growing up — all about family, not politics. Most of the conversations my mom had back in the day in her kitchen were about Aunt Rosie, Aunt Millie, Auto Mary and Aunt Lulu and their kids. That was their focus, and their "life's work," as it were.

Times are different now. We are scattered around the country and cannot spend each weekend visiting each other like in the old days. There are responsibilities to attend to and lives to live. But we CAN connect digitally, share old stories, and spend time together via text chains like this, and via other digital means.

And that's why that text upset me so much. To me, it violated a sacred trust and destroyed a "safe haven" for me. I have ZERO problem with any of you posting your political views on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, wherever. There I am able to mute or block them should I not agree with them. And I do disagree MIGHTILY with some of you.

But here? In our "digital family home?" That just wasn't right. And honestly, I think you all agree with me on that point, though I know some of you most certainly do NOT agree with me politically. Which is fine.

The basic message here is that we should all stay in our lane when it comes to family conversations. If you wanna argue on Facebook or one-on-one, bring it. I am happy to handle myself in either forum, if need be. I have receipts.

Here in the safe space, though, let's talk about who's mother made the best meatballs, please.

Love you all. 


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