Sunday, January 22, 2023

The Day I "Met" Ben Affleck

 Quite a thrill to meet Ben Affleck last night.

I was at an upstairs bar with my bandmates in a busy Southern city. Could have been New Orleans, maybe Charleston, possibly Wilmington, NC. The bar was very loud and fun, and we were talking with someone and having a few drinks.

I decided to take a walk downstairs to see what was going on outside.

When I got down there, the street was crowded and bustling with people, and it looked like there was some kind of event imminent, possibly something to do with baseball and Henry Aaron. There was a marching band nearby and hordes of people in a festive mood. It was Mardi Gras-like, I guess.

I walked over to an outside counter-top on which rested an autographed Aaron baseball in some kind of display box. As I got there, I noticed a gentleman leaning on the top of a vehicle nearby. He looked vaguely familiar.

In a few moments, I realized who I thought it was and said "Affleck"?? He looked at me, resigned to the fact that he was recognized, and said simply "yeah".

I replied with "Nice disguise" -- he was wearing a Yankees jacket and hat in the hopes of confusing anyone who recognized him. He is a huge Red Sox fan who would NEVER be caught in Yankees garb.

He smiled at my recognition of his "disguise". I could tell he appreciated the fact that I caught on to it so easily. I invited him to come up and have a drink with us.

"We are up there talking with another actor, his name, I forget." He said "Yeah sure. There are a bunch of them (actors) running around here today." It then hit me who is was.

"Oh it's Daniel Craig, James Bond!"

We went into the club and started walking up the stairs.

Of course, none of this is true. Rather, it was all manufactured by my mind in the late hours of the morning while lying in bed dreaming on a rainy Carolina morning. 

It's amazing the reality and detail that can be conjured up by your mind in the throes of sleep. I have very little interest in Ben Affleck nor Daniel Craig, they never enter my waking mind, and I really have little interest in ever meeting either them, honestly. Yet there they were, stuffed into my subconscious for some odd reason.

Life is comical.