Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Hate Liberals? Congrats: You Are a Moron

If you hate liberals, let me help you out: you are a moron.

Yeah, I'm talking to you. Live with it.

I do not "hate" conservatives because that would be stupid and exclusionary. In fact, I have more in common with the average conservative than one might think.

For instance, I am a big believer in personal responsibility. If you are able to help yourself, you should. However, those who truly cannot help themselves must be cared for by a civilized society (that's the liberal part in case you missed it).

I believe criminals should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Murderers? Throw them in a cell for the rest of their lives. However, I also believe that a civilized society cannot under any circumstances kill its own citizens and remain civilized (the liberal part).

I believe in strong border security, and I believe everyone who wishes to enter the country should do so via legal means. However, I believe that a wall is unnecessary and expensive and will be ineffective. Do we really want to have a U.S. version of what happened in Berlin? That's just not America.

I think both liberals and conservatives will agree that no American should have their financial lives ruined by an illness or injury. There should be healthcare for everyone. We might disagree on the means of achieving this, but I think we do agree on the final results.

So I say to you, my conservative friends, think twice before you bad-mouth liberals, as I've seen far too often on here. Instead, look for the common ground, which happens to be right in front of your face.

Oh, and one last thing: Trump is NOT a conservative. Trump is a Charlatan and a con man who has spent his life in braggadocio and self promotion. He has ruined the lives of thousands of contractors in New York and New Jersey. He has lied, cheated, and stolen with the kind of attitude that can only be formed in a life of privilege and entitlement. If you think this guy is going to stand up for you for one second, you are sadly mistaken, in my humble opinion. Here's hoping you eventually come to your senses and realize that.
