Saturday, June 11, 2005

Another Saturday Night and I Ain't Got No Scruples

Ok, now I've pretty much had it with this car business. Too often I am being asked to cross lines, subtle though they might be, that I do not wish to cross. And combine this with the fact that there is no money to be made here and you have a problem of epic proportions. And even if I WAS making money, crossing the lines would eventually get to me for sure.

This is not the business for me. They encourage dysfunctionality and questionable behavior, and foster the belief that anything (basically) is okay if you sell a car. The customer is given no respect, and you are told to NOT listen to what the customer says. These are antiquaited beliefs, even in the sales business, and this will never change as long as "the old guard" continues to work the business, and to train "the new guard" in the old ways. It is a joke.

So it looks like I'll be moving on as soon as the right opportunity presents itself. Let's hope it's soon.

Friday, June 10, 2005

On the eve of the benefit

It's already year two for the Nicole Frese Memorial Fund Benefit Dinner, and how I HATE typing those words. Because the fact that I have to type them means that my baby is not here with me. And oh, how I miss her every day. Nicole was a beautiful girl and a beautiful person and life did not allow her the opportunity to grow and become the person I know she would have been. The lost promise of her life will haunt me for the rest of my days. The website for her benefit is here. We will go there tomorrow night. We will play our music. We will do our raffles and raise money for some good causes. And I will go home missing my Nicole, as always.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Thoughts on a gray Saturday in the car biz

Here I sit like a stiff waiting for customers to come in and buy a car. It is a Saturday, and business SUCKS, which is not good. I wonder what the heck got me here in this weird business, but there are no answers. Fate leads you where it leads you. I could hit the phone and try to drag people in here, but I've already gone through my database from the past three months to no avail. My Eclipse guy drove it, liked it, and is thinking about it (nice). Other than that, it has been Dead City. So I cruise the internet and wonder why, how, when, etc. No answers, only questions. Oh, and another good question is: why in the world is my WRIST killing me today, and how the heck am I gonna swing a baseball bat at 9:00 AM tomorrow? We shall see...