I know people hate it when Trump is compared to Adolph Hitler, and I get it. Hitler murdered over six million people and caused a World War that destroyed a great deal of Europe, cause the deaths of 50 million people. So yeah, that's a pretty high bar of evil.
But after watching yet another documentary about Hitler and Nazi Germany, it's impossible to deny the comparisons.
Because Trump is obviously following in Hitler's filthy footsteps with regard to his behavior in acquiring and keeping power. It's as plain as the nose on your face.
Like Hitler, Trump uses a firehose of misinformation to distract the public, while discrediting the free press. And like Hitler, Trump's efforts have borne evil fruit — the majority of Americans simply do not trust the press any longer, which leaves them ripe for conspiracy theories and crackpots.
Which is exactly what Trump wants. Then, like Hitler, he becomes the sole source of "the truth."
Like Hitler, Trump is seeking to surround himself solely with loyalists. That is the sole qualification for the jobs to which they are being appointed. This is intentional, part of the plan. Trump does not care a lick if they do their jobs. He only cares that they do HIS bidding. In many cases, "his bidding" will involved the destruction of the very entities to which they have been appointed to lead.
Like Hitler, Trump already began corrupting the judiciary in his first term by appointing loyalists who will not hold him to account for his misdeeds. These corrupt justices of the High Court were selected and groomed by the religious right Federalist Society and lied their way to their appointments before taking cases that favored Trump and then ruling in his favor. These included, of course, the over-turning of Roe v Wade and the REAL abortion of placing the POTUS above the law, granting him immunity for virtually any deeds committed that can be classified as "official duties." Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is more anti-American than that.
Hitler, once in total command of Germany, immediately betrayed his loyal SA and replaced them with his hand-picked protection squad known as the SS. These soldiers/murderers were forced to swear an oath of loyalty to Hitler rather than Germany. Trump is putting loyalists in place in high-ranking positions in the military, people who he believes will do his bidding and put his wants and needs ahead of their loyalty to the Constitution of the United States.
Is it then far-fetched to think that someday he might demand that all U.S. military personnel take a similar oath of loyalty to him rather than the Constitution? Honestly, I don't think it's far-fetched at all.
With complete loyalists at the upper rungs of the military, and with complete immunity for official acts, and with a House and Senate who refuse to stand up to him, and with a Supreme Court that will apparently give him everything he wants, I think it's perfectly logical that he would consider it. The checks and balances set up by the founders will be toast.
Of course, this is the part where Hitler really began his plan to murder six million people and initiate a World War so Germany could rule over all of us.
I kindly doubt that is in Trump's plans. However, I firmly DO believe he will attempt to remain in power for life, or at the least, make certain that the right wingnuts, uber-wealthy, and religious whackos are able to accomplish this. J.D. Vance is certainly a firm believe in all those insane things, and I have no doubt he will assume the presidency at some point within the next four years and continue Trump's evil agenda.
Trump told his minions that if they got out and voted for him this time, they would "never have to vote again." What does the rational mind tell you about a statement like them?
It tells me that they are working on ways of corrupting the system that will allow them to remain in power and impose their beliefs upon us all for eternity.
Scoff if you want, but this is not only within the realm of possibility, it is actually already in progress in many ways and in many venues across this land.
Pay attention, people. Democracy is in grave danger here and also in other places across the globe. If we don't stand up and speak out, it could vanish before our very eyes.