Monday, December 28, 2020

It's Okay to Admit You Were Wrong, Trumpsters. Really.

I totally understand how Donald Trump won the presidency in 2016. I really do. I spoke to several people beforehand about it. Folks were upset with "the politicians." They felt their voices were not being heard. They wanted someone to upset the apple cart. A businessman who would show "those politicians" how it should be done. Someone who would hear them and speak for them. Trump seemed like that guy.

But now, my Trump-loving friends and family members, it's high time you admit that you were wrong about this guy. Really, it's okay. Everyone makes mistakes.

He said he would "drain the swamp". Instead he brought into government an endless line of criminals (many now convicted), incompetents, and lackeys who have failed at every single thing they have attempted to accomplish -- which was very little indeed.

He told you he would "build a wall" and that "Mexico will pay for it". There is no wall. And Mexico has paid not one thin dime. The wall was nothing more than a racist carrot designed to lead you on. His war in illegal immigration has produced nothing of value.

Instead of divesting his businesses as all other presidents have done, he has used his office to increase his brand. This was his plan all along. He has profited from the presidency in a huge and obscene way, selling influence to any foreign power willing to buy rooms at his facilities, the prices of which have skyrocketed during his reign. Is that draining the swamp? I think not.

The founding fathers build our nation upon the concept of three branches of government and a free press to watch over them. Trump has spent four years attempting to discredit the press and trying to convince you that he, and only he, speaks "the truth". The press? His own family? Many Republicans? The Democrats? They are all a bunch of liars. He is the only truth. Do you see the abject danger in this? This is EXACTLY how every other despot in the world obtained power and controlled the messaging. Every single one.

Yes, he has you convinced that EVERYBODY is lying and out to get him. "They" are all bad people. Only he is "the good one." Can you even imagine ALL those varied groups getting together and conspiring against anyone or any thing? The mind boggles.

He has told you that a vote-by-mail election will be rife with fraud even though no evidence of this exists, and several states have been 100% vote-by-mail for years. He provides anecdotal evidence to sell you on this irrational concept.

He has drastically lowered the tax rate on the wealthy while eliminating your mortgage deduction, continuing the Republican assault on the middle class begun under Reagan. Admit it: your taxes have gone up, as have mine. It should be noted that George W. Bush eliminated the inheritance tax on the most wealthy people in this country, creating a massive tax shortfall of over $500 billion annually, a deficit the middle class has had to eat.

He has told you he would not take his salary as president because he is such a great, kind guy. Yet he has run up massive bills for golf and used his properties virtually every weekend, sucking in huge profits off the government teat.

Now, in the face of a global pandemic which he had mishandled every step of the way (because he is simply incompetent), he is attempting to remove your insurance coverage for pre-existing conditions. This is inarguable. And this is being done because big pharma wants it, and despite the fact that the vast majority of Americans like the AHCA. Is it perfect? Far from it. But those of us who are old enough remember the old system, and that was neither perfect nor inexpensive, which is why a change was needed in the first place.

And he is also after your social security, something the Republican Party has been trying to get their filthy hands on since FDR created it in the 1940s, thus protecting the middle class and setting the stage for the 1950s so many of you look upon as idyllic.

He has defrauded charities. His businesses have virtually all failed. He is in massive debt to parties unknown, something which opens him to all sorts nefarious evil actors.

These, my Trump-loving friends, are not the actions of someone who is looking out for YOU. These are the actions of someone who is looking out for HIMSELF.

You have been conned. You have been deceived. He looks at all of you as fools to be manipulated. He will continue to do this. It is who he is. It is who he has always been.

Joe Biden and the Democrats are not perfect. I would hope that some day America will have a political system that allows for more diverse, realistic choices. But Biden is not a socialist (stop with the fear mongering), he will not "take away your guns (that is patent bullshit), and his tax increase will only affect those making $400k or more per year, people who simply have not been paying their fair share for many years now.

Now is not the time for a protest vote. Now is the time to rid our government of the hatred and incompetence that Donald J. Trump has issued in. Once a Biden administration is in power, I urge you to hold their feet to the flame and demand a government for the people (all of us) and by the people.