Monday, February 18, 2013

Roger Ailes Can Blow Me

My dear conservative friends, please stop telling me that I "drank the liberal Kool-Aid". There IS no liberal Kool-Aid, and in fact, YOU are the ones who have been snowed for 30+ years by your "friends" in the Republican Party. Us liberals actually think for ourselves, believe it or not. There is no "party line" for us to follow. There is only the truth.

It was the 1960s when Satan himself, Roger Ailes, learned the lesson of how to fuck all of us poor dopes (yeah, that includes you conservatives, too). Ailes' boy Richard Nixon was running against an upstart Senator from Massachusetts named John F. Kennedy. It was going to be a close race, and Ailes & Co. allowed themselves to get drawn into a televised debate.

It did not go well for Nixon.

Kennedy wore the right color suit, looked cool and calm, and spoke well to the cameras. Nixon wore the wrong color suit, sweated like a pig, and looked completely out of his element. America reacted as you would expect and elected Kennedy. You know the rest of that story, of course.

Ailes, a filthy rich conservative insider, learned from his mistake. He would never again let peons like us dopes decide HIS election. He made a vow to never again put himself and his candidate in such a position.

His next foray into the presidential arena was 1968, again with Richard Nixon. This time, Ailes stacked the deck against the truth.

He put Nixon in all the right clothes. He rented a TV studio and invited in ONLY people who were Nixon fans, and he provided them all with softball questions for Tricky Dick to answer. For his interview panel, he brought in only people who were known Nixon supporters. The result was more of a TV show than a news show. The only thing people learned about Nixon that night was what Roger Ailes WANTED them to know. Nixon won the election in a landslide.

While Nixon was in office (1968-1973), Ailes and his boys continued to study and research how they could use the media to their advantage. Those damned media people had a nasty habit of telling the truth, and the truth did NOT jibe with Roger's vision of the country. He and his conservative buddies had to find a way to limit the damage the media (i.e., the TRUTH) was doing to their candidates, like Nixon and Agnew. They embarked on a decades-long strategy to limit the media's ability to hurt them.

First order of business: every time the word "media" was used, it MUST be preceded by the word "liberal". This was the first and biggest lie, and it has permeated our culture and exists even today. This was REPUBLICAN POLICY, plain and simple. Fact is, there was NEVER a "liberal" media. There was simply a media of intelligent people who told US the truth and nothing more. They were heroes, Woodward & Bernstein and their ilk.

The conservative then began forming "think tanks" and other agenda-based groups that masqueraded as anything but that. They purported to be members of the media themselves, or research groups, or whatever. But what they were — and are — is a bunch of people who are hell-bent on making the United States of America bow to THEIR wishes.

These smart, evil motherfuckers began to demand "equal time" for their position in the media. Now think about this for a minute: how can you demand equal time against THE TRUTH?? You can't!

But by yelling loud enough for long enough and throwing enough money at the problem, these filthy swine actually got the media to acquiesce  They were allowed equal time. So now what you had is the media giving you the truth and the facts, and then these fucking jagoffs coming on next and telling you their VERSION of the truth.

This is balance? Really??

And the loser in this mess was US. You now have airways filled with things like Fox News, OWNED BY ROGER AILES, that does nothing but promote the conservative position, ignoring the facts and the truth and throwing their fucked up opinions into everything they do.

The end result is that it is the CONSERVATIVES, not the liberals, who have been drinking the Kool-Aid — and they don't even realize it. They have been spoon-fed an agenda for 25 years now, and they don't even know. At this point, they are simply unable to recognize what is truth and what is political rhetoric.

And don't even get me started on the goddamed Tea Party. Voice of the people MY ASS. How can something that is funded by the Koch Brothers, two of the richest assholes on the planet, be the voice of the people? These two oil industry dickheads have been systematically fucking over the entire country for years, buying politicians, and spewing their oily mess into the lives of millions.

These Tea Party dorks actually believe their own bullshit. But it's parties like this that are TOTALLY against everything the U.S. Constitution stands for. They refuse to work with anyone who does not share their small-minded beliefs, and when you refuse to compromise in the Senate and House, guess who loses? Yep, us. Again.

Now, of course, dicks like the Kochs don't even have to TELL you when they buy a politician thanks to that stupid Supreme Court ruling that says corporations are people. Right. Thanks to jerkoff Scalia for THAT ridiculous ruling. This has done more to fuck up the political process than anything in the history of the country.

The conservatives will also try to tell you that "all politicians are alike". I get that from certain members of my family all the time.

Bunk. They are NOT all alike, and the liberal ones will ALWAYS do more and care more than their conservative counterparts. They are the independent thinkers who always try to do things right. The other guys ALWAYS toe the company line, and will never step away from the party line. It is now Republican party policy to NEVER speak well of ANYTHING the opposition does — even if you KNOW it was the right thing to do. The lines between right and wrong have been permanently washed away in the Senate and the Congress.

So let's review: we now have a media we cannot trust to tell us the truth. We now have politicians in office who refuse to compromise even if it will help us and the country move forward. We now have professional politicians who are owned by rich people we are not even aware of and will never know. We now blame unions and the poor for the situation our country is in. We now cannot even ascertain basic facts about what is going on because the facts can't be separated from the opinions of a bunch of assholes on TV. We are pinning all this mess on a president in office who inherited perhaps the worse economy in the history of the nation from perhaps the worse president in the history of the nation. We fall "just" shy of calling this president the "N" word — if you listen closely, you can almost hear it spewing forth from their lips as they bash this guy.

This is progress?? Methinks not.

I don't think Obama is perfect. I simply think he is better than ANYTHING offered up by these rich thugs. They continue to bully us and distort facts to manipulate the populous. They have studied their history well, and they learned quite a bit from the rise of Fascism and Nazi Germany.

And that scares the shit out of me.